Students and Sentiments: To Be Accepted by the Ritz Carlton – Amelia Island (A reflection)

“Nothing is an easy process but if the Lord Almighty is with you, everything runs smoothly.”

Wracked nerves, sweaty palms, and a fast heartbeat were what some of the students were experiencing during their interview for their International On-The-Job Training, not to mention they need to fluently use the English language during such a nerve-wracking moment, stuttering is what they should avoid when trying to impress the interviewer. 

Some people think the interview is the hardest part; they need to think again cause before that they need to finish tons of requirements. In addition, a student who wants to participate in the International On-The-Job Training must also have no backlogs from the previous semester. When not accepted or qualified, for now, some people might think it is unfair but in reality, the employer won’t wait for you to be ready. Applying for the International On-The-Job Training requires a lot of perseverance, willingness and readiness, which is why everyone is doing what they can to meet the requirements and the deadline. 

Some students read, watch, and practice a mock interview just to be able to do the interview in the hopes of being accepted, but of course, it is still different during the actual interview. The sad reality is that not everyone can be accepted on their first try or in the same company. It may be devastating but don’t lose hope and try and try again. Of course, some victoriously aced their interview and that is the case for Ellena Bunoan who was accepted on her first interviews, as she knows and believes that God is with her.

Written by Ma. Ellena Magdalena Bunoan

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